Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PC Fair

PIKOM PC Fair is a yearly event organized by PIKOM – The National ICT Association Of Malaysia. PIKOM also representing the ICT industry in Malaysia. More than 80 % of the total ICT trade in Malaysia is proccessed by PIKOM’s registered members. PIKON PC Fair is an iconic ICT event in Malaysia which attracts more than 1 million visitors each year and no doubt to be recognized as the Largest PC Fair in Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur's PC fair at the Kuala Lumpur Convention center was a hit, again. Six halls filled with loads of people. It was interesting to see the popular trends, follow the massess to where crowds were the thickest and where they were the thinnest. I'm being very judgemental in actually observing someone's financial capability by the clothes they wear, but sorry, no other way to assess that short of distributing questionaires and asking them what their interest was in the PC Fair.

Again, in the limelight were the portable video players, with Western Digital sporting a great-looking, palmsized player capable of playing a variety of media, including the all important Divx codec. Now, this product is definitely heating up. I foresee one media player in every living room soon, taking over the DVD players. This is definitely the next big thing. And with every new media platform in Malaysia comes the supplier of the media in the underground market.

Another big thing which was more pushy then desired were the many telcos preying on the media hungry, with promises of fast downloads and broad bandwidths. There's nothing much I can say about that. No one actually knows which provider is better or worse. It's just that if you catch a provider on a bad day, it's bad; and if it's a good day, it's great. It was nice to see the fierce competition they had when the PC Fair bundled all the major telcos into one hall and they actually fought it out with the foot soldiers. The new player in the telco market was AMAX, all in orange, providing wireless broadband.